My Spiritual Journey
Back in 2000, I attended a personal intensive spiritual retreat in Topanga Canyon. It was to be the first of many spiritual retreats, and I dove right in. Here, I document some of the workshops and retreats I have been to over the years. Enjoy!
Back in 2000, I attended a personal intensive spiritual retreat in Topanga Canyon. It was to be the first of many spiritual retreats, and I dove right in. Here, I document some of the workshops and retreats I have been to over the years. Enjoy!
Beyond Esalen; Program Designer: Local chapter pilot program (2020)
A dream came true! Working with Esalen behind the scenes...I had always dreamed of facilitating a workshop at Esalen. I applied a few years ago, but never followed up. Then I attended the month-long Residential scholar program in April 2019, met Kira walker, and in 2020 we were hired as consultants to birth this program! Not quite the same as teaching, but it was such a blessing during Covid to keep people connected to Esalen.
And, I was connected with someone who asked me to collaborate with them on THEIR application to teach a workshop, when Esalen opens again. So, the big dream might happen after all! Just not quite how I expected it to.
A dream came true! Working with Esalen behind the scenes...I had always dreamed of facilitating a workshop at Esalen. I applied a few years ago, but never followed up. Then I attended the month-long Residential scholar program in April 2019, met Kira walker, and in 2020 we were hired as consultants to birth this program! Not quite the same as teaching, but it was such a blessing during Covid to keep people connected to Esalen.
And, I was connected with someone who asked me to collaborate with them on THEIR application to teach a workshop, when Esalen opens again. So, the big dream might happen after all! Just not quite how I expected it to.
Birth Your Book class, with Elizabeth Bast (June, 2020)
I have wanted to write a memoir for awhile, but never seem to be able to stay focused on writing it! This class approached writing a book as a ceremony, and I so connected with the tools and ideas and approach! I loved it and I love connecting with everyone, but I realized it's not the time for me to write this book.
But when I am ready, I now have all the tools and inspiration I need! For now, I'm focusing on my art.
I have wanted to write a memoir for awhile, but never seem to be able to stay focused on writing it! This class approached writing a book as a ceremony, and I so connected with the tools and ideas and approach! I loved it and I love connecting with everyone, but I realized it's not the time for me to write this book.
But when I am ready, I now have all the tools and inspiration I need! For now, I'm focusing on my art.
PQ (Positive Intelligence) with Shirzad Shamine (June, 2020, virtual)
Mental fitness is a measure of the strength of your positive mental muscles (Sage) versus the negative (Saboteur). This measure of your Mental Fitness is called PQ (Positive Intelligence Quotient).
A key to Mental Fitness is to weaken the internal Saboteurs who generate all your “negativity” in the way they respond to challenges. Your Saboteurs cause all your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, regret, shame, guilt, and unhappiness. Saboteurs include the Judge, Pleaser, Hyper-vigilant, Restless, Controller, Avoider, Hyper-achiever, Hyper-rational, Victim, and Stickler
Your “Sage” lives in an entirely different region of your brain and handles challenges in ways that produce positive emotions like curiosity, empathy, creativity, gratitude, peace, calm, and clear-headed laser-focused action. You perform better and feel happier.
Your Saboteurs have successfully PUSHED you to improve and succeed through fear, anxiety, blame, shame, guilt, etc. (Negative Reinforcement). However, research shows that you would succeed even more if you were PULLED by you inherent positive feelings of curiosity, compassion, creativity, love for yourself and others, and love for contribution and self expression (Positive Reinforcement). AND, you would be far happier and less stressed.
Self-command is the other factor.
You’re not in full command of your mind. If you were, you would choose to entirely silence the Saboteurs in your head. You would choose to not stress out over what you can’t control, push away self-doubts, recover from disappointments immediately, and spend little time in anger, regret, or blame.
PQ Reps are innovative 10-second exercises which build up this crucial Self-Command muscle in the brain. You learn to run your brain, rather than allow your Saboteur-hijacked brain to run you.
Mental fitness is a measure of the strength of your positive mental muscles (Sage) versus the negative (Saboteur). This measure of your Mental Fitness is called PQ (Positive Intelligence Quotient).
A key to Mental Fitness is to weaken the internal Saboteurs who generate all your “negativity” in the way they respond to challenges. Your Saboteurs cause all your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, regret, shame, guilt, and unhappiness. Saboteurs include the Judge, Pleaser, Hyper-vigilant, Restless, Controller, Avoider, Hyper-achiever, Hyper-rational, Victim, and Stickler
Your “Sage” lives in an entirely different region of your brain and handles challenges in ways that produce positive emotions like curiosity, empathy, creativity, gratitude, peace, calm, and clear-headed laser-focused action. You perform better and feel happier.
Your Saboteurs have successfully PUSHED you to improve and succeed through fear, anxiety, blame, shame, guilt, etc. (Negative Reinforcement). However, research shows that you would succeed even more if you were PULLED by you inherent positive feelings of curiosity, compassion, creativity, love for yourself and others, and love for contribution and self expression (Positive Reinforcement). AND, you would be far happier and less stressed.
Self-command is the other factor.
You’re not in full command of your mind. If you were, you would choose to entirely silence the Saboteurs in your head. You would choose to not stress out over what you can’t control, push away self-doubts, recover from disappointments immediately, and spend little time in anger, regret, or blame.
PQ Reps are innovative 10-second exercises which build up this crucial Self-Command muscle in the brain. You learn to run your brain, rather than allow your Saboteur-hijacked brain to run you.
Vipassana 10-day Silent Meditation Retreat, North Fork, CA, 2019
"Vipassana" means clear insight into the real characteristics of body and mind. Vipassana bhavana (insight meditation) is sometimes called mindfulness meditation. The technique of vipassana uses mindfulness to note every detail of our mental and physical experience from moment-to-moment, with an unbiased attitude. By practicing mindfulness meditation we can see and actually remove the causes of suffering, which are within ourselves.
"Vipassana" means clear insight into the real characteristics of body and mind. Vipassana bhavana (insight meditation) is sometimes called mindfulness meditation. The technique of vipassana uses mindfulness to note every detail of our mental and physical experience from moment-to-moment, with an unbiased attitude. By practicing mindfulness meditation we can see and actually remove the causes of suffering, which are within ourselves.

Hypnotherapy Certification, October, 2018, Palo Alto School of Hypnotherapy, Palo Alto, CA
After experiencing hypnotherapy as a client, I knew I needed to pursue this as my next career. My experience was so helpful, I wanted to help others. I learned that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, meaning that because we create thought patterns, we have the power to change them. For more info, visit
After experiencing hypnotherapy as a client, I knew I needed to pursue this as my next career. My experience was so helpful, I wanted to help others. I learned that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, meaning that because we create thought patterns, we have the power to change them. For more info, visit

The Inner Journey of Inspired Leadership, Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA, April, 2019
During this month-long, transformational work-scholar program, 18 participants took a deep dive into our values, life-paths, vital needs. We utilized cutting edge experiential learning techniques to discover our inner leader, and applied what we learned to forge ahead to create our BEST LIFE.
During this month-long, transformational work-scholar program, 18 participants took a deep dive into our values, life-paths, vital needs. We utilized cutting edge experiential learning techniques to discover our inner leader, and applied what we learned to forge ahead to create our BEST LIFE.
Design Your Mind for Innovation, October, 2018, Google, Mountain View, CA
Dada Nabhanilananda (The Monk Dude)
Mindfulness and meditation are proven methods for opening the inner door to creativity. Thousands of studies from institutions like Harvard, MIT and Stanford universities confirm that meditation practice: reduces anxiety, boosts immunity, improves mood, and develops emotional intelligence.
Dada Nabhanilananda (The Monk Dude)
Mindfulness and meditation are proven methods for opening the inner door to creativity. Thousands of studies from institutions like Harvard, MIT and Stanford universities confirm that meditation practice: reduces anxiety, boosts immunity, improves mood, and develops emotional intelligence.
SAND Conference Volunteer, 2017, 2018
Science and Non-Duality conference, San Jose, CA
The mission of Science and Nonduality (SAND) is to forge a new paradigm in spirituality, one that is not dictated by religious dogma, but instead, based on timeless wisdom traditions of the world, informed by cutting-edge science, and grounded in direct experience.
Science and Non-Duality conference, San Jose, CA
The mission of Science and Nonduality (SAND) is to forge a new paradigm in spirituality, one that is not dictated by religious dogma, but instead, based on timeless wisdom traditions of the world, informed by cutting-edge science, and grounded in direct experience.

MBSR Class (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction), April. 2018, San Jose, CA
I thought I knew a lot about meditation and how it can help me and others live a more centered life. But, this class put a whole new spin on my meditation practice. I'm learning tons of new things about how our thoughts and emotions impact our lives. And how we can gain more control over these things, so we are not a slave to them. I highly recommend it! Search for a class in your area. It's a commitment...8 weeks of class (once a week) and daily meditation practice. Plus, a workbook!
I thought I knew a lot about meditation and how it can help me and others live a more centered life. But, this class put a whole new spin on my meditation practice. I'm learning tons of new things about how our thoughts and emotions impact our lives. And how we can gain more control over these things, so we are not a slave to them. I highly recommend it! Search for a class in your area. It's a commitment...8 weeks of class (once a week) and daily meditation practice. Plus, a workbook!

Silent Zen Meditation Retreat, Feb. 2018, Jokoji Zen Center, Saratoga, CA
6-day silent retreat. Read my BLOG POST to learn more about my experience.
6-day silent retreat. Read my BLOG POST to learn more about my experience.

Hypnosis-Mind-Energy: The Art and Science of Transformation, Fall 2017, Farzin Mofidi
Anyone can transform the way they think, feel, and act as their own individual self.
+ Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
- No matter what therapy, religion, or other self-empowerment and healing systems exist, they all deal with hypnosis and hypnotherapy at their core
- Everyone experiences hypnosis everyday, it's necessary to engage in life.
+ Mind
---Your sub-conscious mind holds all memories, past-decisions, behaviors, values, and habits. Access your sub-conscious mind and change the "programming from the past," so you will no longer be bogged down by habitual thoughts, emotions, and impulses you believe you "can't control."
+ Energy
- There is a connection between God or Spirit and Energy.
- Quantum Physics research shows what Spirit truly was. The basis of all spirituality can find itself in the natural world
- Understanding Energy can help heal and empower through bridging your own energy with your mind and body.
Anyone can transform the way they think, feel, and act as their own individual self.
+ Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
- No matter what therapy, religion, or other self-empowerment and healing systems exist, they all deal with hypnosis and hypnotherapy at their core
- Everyone experiences hypnosis everyday, it's necessary to engage in life.
+ Mind
---Your sub-conscious mind holds all memories, past-decisions, behaviors, values, and habits. Access your sub-conscious mind and change the "programming from the past," so you will no longer be bogged down by habitual thoughts, emotions, and impulses you believe you "can't control."
+ Energy
- There is a connection between God or Spirit and Energy.
- Quantum Physics research shows what Spirit truly was. The basis of all spirituality can find itself in the natural world
- Understanding Energy can help heal and empower through bridging your own energy with your mind and body.
Motoki Energy, Level I, Intra Health Center, Brian Rainie, San Jose, CA, 2017
Moto-Ki is a more modern form of the ancient practices. The literal translation of "Moto" is "base", "foundation", "the cause", or "origin". Moto-Ki is the art of using a strong connection to ground to bring up powerful earth energy and project it. Originally it was feared to be too powerful. Once it was blended with universal energy practices the added spiritual connection provided a stronger level of safety and ethical behavior.
Moto-Ki is a more modern form of the ancient practices. The literal translation of "Moto" is "base", "foundation", "the cause", or "origin". Moto-Ki is the art of using a strong connection to ground to bring up powerful earth energy and project it. Originally it was feared to be too powerful. Once it was blended with universal energy practices the added spiritual connection provided a stronger level of safety and ethical behavior.
The Maxx with Paula Shaw, 2016, Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA

This is a hard one to describe, it's an experience is like none other. Powerful and heavily dependent on the other people in the workshop, we were all changed forever. We worked VERY hard for 5 days...this workshop is not for the faint of heart. It's a cross between psychodrama, group therapy, and improvisation. The intensity that Paula brought to the class as our guide enabled us to dig deep and TRANSFORM.

What the Mystics Knew, 2016 - 8 week series, Center for Spiritual Living, San Jose, CA.
Instructor: Ted Mitchell
This class was a deep dive into all things mystical. There was no premise of "this is the answer to all questions unknown" but rather an invitation to be open to explore the questions at a deeper think about alternative theories and viewpoints about the universe, consciousness, and the meaning of life.
Summary of topics:
Instructor: Ted Mitchell
This class was a deep dive into all things mystical. There was no premise of "this is the answer to all questions unknown" but rather an invitation to be open to explore the questions at a deeper think about alternative theories and viewpoints about the universe, consciousness, and the meaning of life.
Summary of topics:

Based on the book, by Chade Meng Tan, this 3-day exploration into meditation and mindfulness was an experience that changed my life. What is mindfulness? What are the benefits? how does it work? What's the science behind it? There was lots of practice time for meditation, reflection, and sharing.
I realized that to be lived fully, life happens here, right now. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but now. My biggest takeaway was that although our MIND can travel into the future and into the past, our BODIES are always HERE in the moment. So that's how I get myself back to the present when I find my mind wandering...I get back into my body through my senses. I feel my feet. Hear to the sounds around me. Feel the wind on my skin. Smell a flower, look at the sky.
I realized that to be lived fully, life happens here, right now. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but now. My biggest takeaway was that although our MIND can travel into the future and into the past, our BODIES are always HERE in the moment. So that's how I get myself back to the present when I find my mind wandering...I get back into my body through my senses. I feel my feet. Hear to the sounds around me. Feel the wind on my skin. Smell a flower, look at the sky.
Soul Connection and Energetic Clearing Session, 2016
New Earth Healing Center, Manasquan, NJ. Practitioners: Jen and Iris
New Earth Healing Center, Manasquan, NJ. Practitioners: Jen and Iris

While visiting my childhood friend, Maureen , in NJ last summer. We called Jen, our third "partner in crime" who I hadn't seen in over 10 years, and the three of us reminisced about our childhood. Jen shared that she had been running a spiritual center for years, and was a reike masker. I signed up for the Soul Connection session, and was blown away by the effect and powerful healing that took place. Because Jen lived next door to me when we were kids, this brought an extra element of perpective that no one else could have provided.
I traveled back to my 12-year-old self and began to heal some of the trauma that I experienced at that time.
Jen and Iris are healing practitioners who have combined resources to reveal and release restrictive energy in the mind/body complex. In this “two to one” session, Reiki and Intuitive Readings are the vehicles for balance. Jen is a Reiki Master and clairvoyant, while Iris peered into my inner world to give voice to what is arising as the session progresses.
I traveled back to my 12-year-old self and began to heal some of the trauma that I experienced at that time.
Jen and Iris are healing practitioners who have combined resources to reveal and release restrictive energy in the mind/body complex. In this “two to one” session, Reiki and Intuitive Readings are the vehicles for balance. Jen is a Reiki Master and clairvoyant, while Iris peered into my inner world to give voice to what is arising as the session progresses.
The Truth Salon, ongoing sessions, Campbell, CA - Sophia Landon

Sounds strange...Truth Salon? What the heck? These sessions are a chance to practice how we are feeling RIGHT then, in the moment, using non-violent communication techniques to share our feelings and thoughts. Based on the work of Susan Campbell and her Getting Real book series, these sessions enable me to dig deep and say what I might not normally share in a safe and loving setting. Sofia is the most amazing facilitator...she helps us to embrace our entire selves...the joy, the sadness, the anger, the fear, the grief. Nothing is pushed away.

Thai Chi and FeldenKrais Workshop, Esalen Institute, 2011
Kenn Chase, Integral Way Tai Chi
Kenn Chase, Integral Way Tai Chi

Wisdom 2.0, the Unconference, Esalen Institute, 2016
Participants determined the content, and lead the workshops!
Participants determined the content, and lead the workshops!

Sensory Awareness Workshop, Mt. Madonna Center, Santa Cruz mountains, CA
Based on the work of Charlotte Selver...this workshop taught me to truly be in the moment...not only in my head, but in my body. It was like learning how to live life in slow motion!

SoulPlay Festival, Pine Crest, CA, 2015
NVC (Non-violent Communication) workshop, Mt. Madonna Center, Santa Cruz Mountains, CA

International Expressive Arts Association Conference, 2014, Facilitator for Meditate and Create workshop
I took a group through my Meditate and Create workshop...guiding people through meditation to help them access their creativity.
I took a group through my Meditate and Create workshop...guiding people through meditation to help them access their creativity.
Tantra Workshop with Divine Kika, 2014, Campbell, CA
Expressive Painting workshop, Michele Cassou, San Francisco, CA
Other stuff...
I've also taken many yoga classes, experienced healing with a Shamen, tried a floatation tank, and experienced many hours of silent retreat underwater while scuba diving!
I've also taken many yoga classes, experienced healing with a Shamen, tried a floatation tank, and experienced many hours of silent retreat underwater while scuba diving!